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if you can think about it, we can do it

If you can think of it... We can do it

CNC MACHINING SERVICES IN Castellón, Valencia and Tarragona

By using computer-controlled machines, greater precision is achieved in the production of parts, guaranteeing the quality and reliability of the end products. CNC machining offers versatility in working with a wide range of materials, from metals to plastics, adapting to the specific needs of each project.

In addition, by automating a large part of the manufacturing process, production time is reduced and errors are minimized.

Production process control with ERP

The use of an ERP system allows us to know the status of each order: completed parts, pending parts and the progression of each reference.

Express quote (online)

We stand out for our quick response in the preparation of quotations and delivery of orders, adapting to the demands of short deadlines of our customers thanks to our production capacity and large stock of materials in warehouse.

Customer loyalty and satisfaction

Close contact with AssoMec staff, fast delivery and quality services promote long-lasting relationships with customers, resulting in mutual benefit and effective problem solving.